Category: Physics

A Voyager’s life

Guest post by Don Lincoln “Space: the final frontier,” is the opening passage of the venerable television show Star Trek, a show which depicted mankind’s triumphant conquering of interstellar space. However, before that bright and shiny future becomes possible, our species must make our first halting foray beyond our planetary neighborhood. It appears that a…

August Buzz at JHU Press

New to Hit the Shelves Parrots: The Animal Answer Guide : Have you ever wondered what parrots eat in the wild? Or why so many species live in the Amazon? Glorious photographs and accurate answers to every question about parrots make this a must-have for any bird lover. Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America :…

August Buzz at JHU Press

New to Hit the Shelves Parrots: The Animal Answer Guide : Have you ever wondered what parrots eat in the wild? Or why so many species live in the Amazon? Glorious photographs and accurate answers to every question about parrots make this a must-have for any bird lover. Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America :…

JHU Press July news

JHU Press Welcomes Three New Journals The Journals Division will add three new journals to its collection later this year, announced Journals Publisher Bill Breichner. This brings the total number of journals published by the JHU Press to 78. The three new titles will be The CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English…

The spirit of Emmy Noether

Guest post by Dwight E. Neuenschwander Noether’s Theorem of 1918, which is celebrated in Natalie Angier’s splendid biographical article about Dr. Emmy Noether, is developed in detail in my book, Emmy Noether’s Wonderful Theorem. The theorem makes explicit the connection between a system’s symmetries and conservation laws. Emmy Noether was a mathematician. For her, the…