Category: Politics

June news and new books

News and Notes Take a look at our new Fall 2013 catalog to see what's in store for the coming season. Valerie Weaver-Zercher, author of Thrill of the Chaste: The Allure of Amish Romance Novels, writes about ‘Why Amish Romance Novels Are Hot’ in The Wall Street Journal. Mark Bowden writes in the The Atlantic,…

April news and new books

News and Notes Melissa Block of NPR’s All Things Considered interviews Daniel Webster, co-author of Reducing Gun Violence in America, about the wide variation in gun laws from state to state, and how those laws correspond to gun violence. Ron Coddington, author of African American Faces of the Civil War, is interviewed on The Kojo Nnamdi…

April news and new books

News and Notes Melissa Block of NPR’s All Things Considered interviews Daniel Webster, co-author of Reducing Gun Violence in America, about the wide variation in gun laws from state to state, and how those laws correspond to gun violence. Ron Coddington, author of African American Faces of the Civil War, is interviewed on The Kojo Nnamdi…

March news and new books

News and Notes Annette Lanjouw, co-author of Mountain Gorillas: Biology, Conservation, and Coexistence, was interviewed on NPR’s Science Friday during the SciFri Book Club about Dian Fossey’s Gorillas in the Mist. Daniel Webster, co-editor of Reducing Gun Violence in American: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis, was interviewed on Annapolis radio station WRNR 103.1. Hot…

February news and new books

News and Notes JHU Press Publications Recognized for Excellence by AAP’s PROSE Awards Four JHU Press publications were honored recently at the prestigious Association of American Publishers’ Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (the PROSE Awards). In the category of science, technology, and medicine, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics:  A Journal of Qualitative Research garnered an…

Don’t forget the preamble!

Guest post by Lawrence Rosenthal The tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary have produced not only a national debate about firearms violence, but also a national debate about constitutional law. Overhanging the latter debate is the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,…

Public health extremism

Guest post by Maxwell J. Mehlman In a November article for the New England Journal of Medicine, Harvard law professors Michelle Mello and Glenn Cohen argue that in upholding the Affordable Care Act's individual insurance mandate as a tax the Supreme Court "has highlighted an opportunity for passing creative new public health laws.” As a…

JHU Press July news

JHU Press Welcomes Three New Journals The Journals Division will add three new journals to its collection later this year, announced Journals Publisher Bill Breichner. This brings the total number of journals published by the JHU Press to 78. The three new titles will be The CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English…