Category: Uncategorized

Awards, reviews and events! Oh, my!

Whew, spring is moving along quickly here in Mobtown! Here’s a brief rundown of some new JHU Press news and recent, current, and near-future happenings. Awards Congratulations to Andrew Scott Dolkart, whose The Row House Reborn: Architecture and Neighborhoods in New York City, 1908-1929 last night received the Antoinette Forrester Downing Award from the Society of …

It’s a jungle out there: Book publishing in the shadow of Amazon, a single-focus edition of the Scholarly BIN

By Brendan Coyne, exhibits and awards manager E-books and Amazon. If you're a reader (which presumably you are, since you're visiting the blog of a university press), and especially if you happen to work in the book publishing business, both e-books and are inescapable entities, and deservedly so. Though Michael Hart's Project Gutenberg created…