Moving the JHUP book archive (AKA Project Silverfish)

By Davida G. Breier BACKGROUND I became the fulfillment operations manager for Hopkins Fulfillment Services (HFS) in January 2010. My job description included several tangential tasks, including ordering archive copies of recently released titles and the laissez-faire management of the off-site JHUP archive. For many years HFS had its own distribution warehouse, but in 2001…

Eliot prose receives Modernist Studies Association prize

This post re-publishes portions of a story by Maureen McGavin that appeared online at the Emory News Center.  Read the full story here. The second volume of a JHUP's monumental digital work, The Complete Prose of T.S. Eliot: The Critical Edition, coedited by Emory University's Ron Schuchard and involving the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship…