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Reform Acts $34.97 (reg. $49.95) FORTHCOMING
Matters of Fact in Jane Austen $17.47 (reg. $24.95)
The Anatomy of Blackness $20.97 (reg. $29.95)
Monstrous Motherhood $38.50 (reg. $55.00)
Fanny Hill in Bombay $38.47 (r$54.95)
Clandestine Marriage $38.50 (reg. $55.00)
From Little London to Little Bengal $34.97 (reg. $49.95)
Portraiture and British Gothic Fiction $42.00 (reg. $60.00)
The Practice of Satire in England, 1658-1770 $41.97 (reg. $59.95)
Elizabeth Singer Rowe and the Development of the English Novel $35.00 (reg. $50.00)
The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley, vol. 3 $70.00 (reg. $100.00)
Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics $42.00 (reg. $60.00)
The Prodigious Muse $42.00 (reg. $60.00)
Romantic Sobriety $52.50 (reg. $75.00)
The Dispossessed State $42.00 (reg. $60.00)
Rakes, Highwaymen, and Pirates $20.97 (reg. $29.95) PBK FORTHCOMING
The Anatomy of Blackness $20.97 (reg. $29.95)
Precocious Children and Childish Adults $35.00 (reg. $50.00)
Lyric Poetry by Women of the Italian Renaissance $20.97 (reg. $29.95)
Literary Advertising and the Shaping of British Romanticism $34.97 (reg. $49.95)
The Vulgar Question of Money $17.47 (reg. $24.95)
The Fabulous Dark Cloister $45.50 (reg. $65.00)
Imagining Methodism in Eighteenth-Century Britain $45.50 (reg. $60.00)
Sympathetic Realism in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction $42.00 (reg. $60.00)
From Little London to Little Bengal $34.97 (reg. $49.95) FORTHCOMING
Entertaining Crisis in the Atlantic Imperium, 1770-1790 $52.50 (reg. $75.00)
The Challenges of Orpheus $21.00 (reg. $30.00)
Marvelous Protestantism $24.50 (reg. $35.00)
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