Category: Uncategorized

August Buzz at JHU Press

New to Hit the Shelves Parrots: The Animal Answer Guide : Have you ever wondered what parrots eat in the wild? Or why so many species live in the Amazon? Glorious photographs and accurate answers to every question about parrots make this a must-have for any bird lover. Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America :…

Happy birthday, Julia Child

Guest post by David Strauss Despite her death eight years ago, Julia Child’s star has never shined brighter. Meryl Streep’s Oscar-nominated performance as Julia in Julie and Julia brought Child to center stage for a larger American public than she had ever reached during her lifetime. Without question Nora Ephron’s script and direction, as well as a…

What We’re Reading

The last time we visited this occasional series, I found myself in the middle of reading pieces from the 2011 Best American Nonrequired Reading. Little by little, I drifted away from that story collection, especially as my annual July beach vacation drew closer. I managed to finish three books (one of which I was halfway through when…