Tag: African American Studies

Open Tennis and Open Minds: What Arthur Ashe Can Teach Us All

Guest post by Eric Allen Hall As the recent events in Ferguson, Missouri, make clear, the fight for civil and human rights is far from over. The shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen, by a white police officer provides a window into contemporary race relations. The predominately African American protesters in Ferguson argue…

Meet us in Baltimore: Society of Civil War Historians

By Robert J. Brugger It will be a great pleasure to welcome members of the Society of Civil War Historians to Baltimore, scene of so many events leading up to the sectional conflict and such deep division during and after the war itself.  William Lloyd Garrison stood trial here for supposedly defaming the character of…

Our MLA 2014 virtual exhibit is open

Attention humanities scholars and lovers of literature: We're pleased to open the "doors" to our virtual exhibit in support of the 2014 annual meeting of the Modern Language Association. Simply click the banner below to enter and browse over 100 new, recent, and forthcoming books and our entire selection of academic journals. The books are…

Our MLA 2014 virtual exhibit is open

Attention humanities scholars and lovers of literature: We're pleased to open the "doors" to our virtual exhibit in support of the 2014 annual meeting of the Modern Language Association. Simply click the banner below to enter and browse over 100 new, recent, and forthcoming books and our entire selection of academic journals. The books are…

Our Southern Historical Association virtual exhibit is open

We know there's tons to do at this year's meeting of the Southern Historical Association, and that many more of you would have liked to attend than were able. While we can't reproduce all the great sessions and formal and informal networking that is and will be going on in St. Louis throughout the weekend,…

Callaloo Takes Center Stage

We are proud and honored to publish all 80-plus journals under the JHUP umbrella, but are especially excited when one receives special recognition. That means, right now, that the apple of our eye is Callaloo, along with its esteemed editor, Charles Henry Rowell. PBS NewsHour recently aired a special segment about Rowell’s long-time commitment to African American literature, particularly poetry. The…