Even though Hurricane Isaac squelched our opportunity to meet with the APSA 2012 attendees we figured we would still give you the opportunity to browse the books we would have had on display and to take advantage of our special meeting promotions.
To order books simply go to our shopping cart and enter the ISBN and quantity and then click “add to cart.” Enter code HEPW at checkout to receive our 25% meeting discount.
Interested in taking advantage of the buy 2 and get a third of equal or lesser value promotion? Please contact HFS directly (ph# 800-537-5487) and mention code HERF.
Need help? Send an e-mail to Brendan Coyne or tweet him @JHUPsales
We hope that the APSA meeting staff and those of you who traveled to New Orleans before the meeting was canceled are all safe and we look forward to seeing you all next year in Chicago.
Featured promotions. The price listed is tax-inclusive on these four books. Use discount code assigned to respective book to claim the promotional price.

Building Coalitions, Making Policy, edited by Martin A. Levin, Daniel DiSalvo, and Martin M. Shapiro
$18.00 (reg. $30.00) pbk

The Tea Party: A Brief History, by Ronald P. Formisano
$12.00 (reg. $19.95) cloth

Leaving without Losing: The War on Terror after Iraq and Afghanistan, by Mark N. Katz
$12.00 (reg. $19.95) cloth

At War with PTSD, by Robert N. McLay, M.D., Ph.D.
$15.00 (reg. $24.95) cloth
Don’t forget to grab an order form!
Journal of Democracy series flier
Book subject areas
International relations & Woodrow Wilson Center Press Books
Questions for our acquisitions editor?
If you were hoping to bend the ear of our political science editor at APSA regarding a book proposal, then please contact Suzanne Flinchbaugh. Send her two items: a one sentence description of your project and the full proposal. She will be in touch as soon as possible!
While you’re here grab a copy of our 2012 – 2013 Political Science & Public Policy subject catalog