Earlier this week, the staff of the Press gathered to honor colleagues who have celebrated a special anniversary during the past fiscal year. The 21st Annual Employee Awards Ceremony provided an opportunity for managers to sing the praises of the honorees, as well as embarrass them a little bit in a few instances.
We’re lucky to work with great people who have contributed to the Press’ long-term excellence for a number of years. We congratulate them on their milestones and thank them for all they do each and every day. And for giving us a chance to have a party on a hot Thursday afternoon!
35 Years: Patricia Smith (Journals Subscriptions)
25 Years: Natalie Garrity (Journals Subscriptions)
20 Years: Linda West (Books Design and Production), Alice Jones (HFS Customer Service), Sharon Ringgold (Information Technology), Stacey Armstead (Information Technology)
15 Years: Wilma Rosenberger (Books Design and Production), Melanie Schaffner (Project MUSE Marketing)
10 Years: Thom Maszczenski (Information Technology), Kathy Alexander (Books Marketing), Paul Peroutka (Mailroom), V. Davis (Accounting), Michael Carroll (Online Books), Kathleen Gochenour (Journals Subscriptions)
5 Years: Daniel Martin (Information Technology), John Cronin (Books Design and Production), Joanne Braverman (HFS Account Representative), Kathryn Orr (Journals Production), Linda Edmonds (HFS Customer Service)

Some of the honorees gathered for a group photo before the ceremony. From left, (front row) Wilma Rosenberger, Patricia Smith, Kathy Alexander, Natalie Garrity, Sharon Ringgold; (back row) Thom Maszczenski , Daniel Martin, John Cronin, V. Davis, Kathy Gochenour, Melanie Schaffner.