Meet us in Denver: Association for the Study of Higher Education

If you are in Denver for the ASHE annual meeting, be sure to stop by to meet our staff, browse our latest publications, and take advantage of special meeting discounts. Throughout the meeting and after, JHUP books will be available at a 30% discount when your use the discount code HNAF. Check out what’s new and recent from JHUP in…

Meet us in Denver: Association for the Study of Higher Education

If you are in Denver for the ASHE annual meeting, be sure to stop by to meet our staff, browse our latest publications, and take advantage of special meeting discounts. Throughout the meeting and after, JHUP books will be available at a 30% discount when your use the discount code HNAF. Check out what’s new and recent from JHUP in…

Rebecca Seib and Mott Greene speak at the Johns Hopkins Club, November 3 & 4

Next week, JHU Press will host two special programs in our lunch and lecture series at the Johns Hopkins Club on the university’s Homewood campus. Descriptions are below, along with links to more information about the books and authors. Reservations are required, and the cost is $20 per person for each lunch and talk. Books…